2019年3月1日 星期五


之前睇過既音樂主題電影有Music and Lyrics,Begins Again,起初有點擔心A Star Is Born會無咩新意,結果反而係別樹一格。電影特點之一,以歌詞去表達主角們之內心世界:Jack在事業樽頸位,並受耳鳴及酗酒所困擾;Ally在草根生活中追夢,但一籌莫展。人生躊躇,二人希望有一個觸發點,豁出去追夢。Shallow一曲先以男聲作引唱,再以女聲回覆引唱,並繼而放腔全力唱出主曲,最後由男女聲共同編織副歌,充分表達二人惺惺相惜既感覺~

Wish I could, I could've said goodbye
I would've said what I wanted to
Maybe even cried for you
If I knew, it would be the last time
I would've broke my heart in two
Tryin' to save a part of you

Don't wanna feel another touch
Don't wanna start another fire
Don't wanna know another kiss
No other name falling off my lips
Don't wanna to give my heart away
To another stranger
Or let another day begin
Won't even let the sunlight in
No, I'll never love again
I'll never love again, ooh

When we first met
I never thought that I would fall
I never thought that I'd find myself
Lying in your arms
And I want to pretend that it's not true
Oh baby, that you're gone
'Cause my world keeps turning, and turning, and turning
And I'm not moving on

Don't wanna feel another touch
Don't wanna start another fire
Don't wanna know another kiss
No other name falling off my lips
Don't wanna give my heart away
To another stranger
Or let another day begin
Won't even let the sunlight in
No, I'll never love

I don't wanna know this feeling
Unless it's you and me
I don't wanna waste a moment, ooh
And I don't wanna give somebody else the better part of me
I would rather wait for you, ooh

Don't wanna feel another touch
Don't wanna start another fire
Don't wanna know another kiss
Baby, unless they are your lips
Don't wanna give my heart away
To another stranger
Or let another day begin
Won't even let the sunlight in
Oh, I'll never love again

Love again
Oh, I'll never love again
I'll never love again
I won't, I won't, I swear I can't
I wish I could but I just won't
I'll never love again
I'll never love again, oh 

PS:好難相信呢齣電影係之前已有翻拍過2次,新既歌曲及時代背景,遠勝同以音樂歌唱為主題既1976年版本。Lady Gaga既唱腔不容置疑,沒有濃妝艷抺及誇張服飾,Gaga既演技超出大眾對歌手既期望~